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Press release 26 February 2015

Khojaly genocide commemorated in Serbia

On February 24, 2015, the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Serbia distributed a press release on the 23rd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide as well as a statement by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Ombudsman) and text of the joint call by religious leaders of Azerbaijan titled “To the World leaders, parliaments, international organizations and the European Court of Human Rights” among the public agencies, civil society organizations, embassies, international organizations and media outlets in Serbia.

The 23rd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide was also marked at the event held on 26 February, 2015, at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Serbia. Speaking at the commemoration event, Ambassador Mr. Eldar Hasanov indicated that Armenian nationalists had raised from time to time groundless territorial claims against Azerbaijan and carried out brutalities against peaceful Azerbaijani population. He particularly underlined that Khojaly massacre was the worst atrocity in the history of Azerbaijan. Mr. Ambassador stressed the importance of legal prosecution of the perpetrators of the Khojaly and expressed his confidence that the war criminals would be brought to trial, either before local courts or international tribunal.

Participants of the event were informed about the Draft Resolution on Observance of International Law and Peaceful Resolution of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, introduced to the agenda of the Parliament of Serbia on 25 February, 2013 by unanimous decision of the Committee on Constitution and Legislation of the Parliament of Serbia. It was pointed out that this initiative was a vivid example of established friendship and strategic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Serbia.

The participants of the event watched “Khojaly Genocide” documentary produced by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and viewed the photo stands depicting Khojaly massacre.

Booklets “Istina o Karabahu” prepared by Heydar Aliyev Foundation and translated into Serbian language by the initiative of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Serbia as well as “Napaćjena Jermenija: mitovi i realnost” books by Guram Markhulia and Shabnam Nuriyeva were distributed among the participants of the event.

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