Фид друштвених медија

Belqrad şəhərində fəaliyyət göstərən Azərbaycan Mədəniyyət Mərkəzinin sədri, Şərqi Avropa Azərbaycanlılarının Koordinasya Şurasının Serbiya üzrə əlaqələndiricisi Zərifə Əlizadə uzun sürən ağır xəstəlikdən sonra vəfat edib. Allah rəhmət etsin. https://t.co/t4hnEqa2MJ
RT @azpresident: https://t.co/BcarEtSWSZ

We cordially congratulate Ukraine on the #NationalDay and extend our best wishes for the country's future #peace and #prosperity on this joyous occasion. Happy National Day, #Ukraine! 🇦🇿🇺🇦 @MFA_Ukraine https://t.co/polcPQSxti
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin nazir Ceyhun Bayramovun Türkiyə Respublikasının xarici işlər naziri Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu ilə telefon danışığına dair məlumatı ⬇️ https://t.co/O3utSWoAS8 https://t.co/TdCyZvFZo8
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin Tunisin Qabes şəhəri yaxınlığında qəzaya uğrayan gəminin heyətinin Azərbaycanlı üzvlərinin azad olunmasına dair məlumatı ⬇️ https://t.co/JCD5UiJBy0
Hal-hazırda: #Azərbaycan & #Serbiya arasında diplomatik münasibətlərin qurulmasının 25 illiyinə həsr olunmuş tədbir başladı. 🇦🇿🇷🇸 Happening now: Exhibition dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations btw #Azerbaijan & #Serbia has started. https://t.co/MWJq6VKJVg
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin Azərbaycan Respublikası və Serbiya Respublikası arasında diplomatik münasibətlərin qurulmasının 25-ci ildönümü münasibətilə keçirilən tədbir və sərgiyə dair məlumatı ⬇️ https://t.co/jwEYTzL0ZU https://t.co/Ier56WQPGi
RT @MFASerbia: Warmest congratulations on the occasion of a significant jubilee - the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic r…
Today marks the 2⃣5⃣th Anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between #Azerbaijan & #Serbia. We send our best wishes to the Government & People of the Republic of Serbia on this occasion. Looking forward to further development of 🇦🇿🇷🇸 cooperation. @MFASerbia https://t.co/AeBbK53by3
Qardaş #Türkiye'nin #Gaziantep şəhərində ağır yol-nəqliyyat qəzasında həyatını itirənlərə Allahdan rəhmət, yaralılara şəfa diləyirik. Başımız sağolsun. #BirMilletİkiDevlet 🇦🇿🇹🇷 @TC_Disisleri @MFATurkiye https://t.co/7epY7hEkJK
We offer heartfelt condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and suffered by the devastating wildfires in #Algeria. We express our solidarity with the government & people of 🇩🇿. @Algeria_MFA @algeriabaku
#Azərbaycan sərhədçilərini Dövlət Sərhəd Xidməti əməkdaşlarının peşə bayramı münasibətilə ürəkdən təbrik edir, şərəfli & məsuliyyətli işlərində uğurlar arzulayırıq! 🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿 18 avqust - #SərhədQoşunlarıGünü|müz mübarək! 🇦🇿 18 August - Happy #BorderGuards Day! 🇦🇿 https://t.co/ikY7K7DhTd
On the occasion of the #NationalDay of the Republic of Indonesia, we express our best wishes & sincere congratulations to the Government and People of #Indonesia. Happy National Day, Indonesia! 🇦🇿🇮🇩 https://t.co/LzcgXBp78U
Head of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva responds to the media's question. ⬇️ https://t.co/9JdcmkFnei
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin Mətbuat xidməti idarəsinin rəisi L.Abdullayeva KİV-in sualını cavablandırır ⬇️ https://t.co/k81lBhgnDX
We express heartfelt condolences over many lives lost in fire incident at the #AbuSefein #CopticChurch in #Cairo, #Egypt. We wish quick recovery to the injured. @Egyptmfa
We cordially extend our warmest wishes for success and prosperity to brotherly Islamic Republic of Pakistan on their #IndependenceDay & express our sincere congratulations on this special day. Happy #IndependenceDay, #Pakistan! 🇦🇿🇵🇰 https://t.co/hil4No7GY7
Had a fruitful exchange with Foreign Minister of brotherly #Türkiye @MevlutCavusoglu over the phone. We discussed current regional situation, issues of the 🇦🇿🇹🇷 strategic alliance, plans related to @Turkic_States, & further expanding cooperation within multilateral platforms. https://t.co/IpJA2gRrlt
Mutually beneficial cooperation between #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 & #Algeria 🇩🇿 both at bilateral and multilateral formats, perspectives of relationships & regional issues were discussed w/ Minister of Foreign Affairs & National Community Abroad, special envoy of the President @Lamamra_dz. https://t.co/J4D0tJqI7Y
Delighted to deliver a speech at the 13th Ambassadors Conference in #Ankara #BKONXIII. #Azerbaijan & #Türkiye, as allies, will continue to contribute to the establishment of peace, security, and prosperity in the global arena as reliable and proactive actors 🇦🇿🇹🇷 @MFATurkiye https://t.co/MDeWm2izlz
Thankful to colleague from #Georgia @iliadarch for expressing solidarity and support over phone conversation on the unprecedented attack by radicals to the Embassy of #Azerbaijan in London. https://t.co/9PywvhD4Yh
Had a phone conversation with FM @MevlutCavusoglu of brotherly #Türkiye. I thank Minister for the strong support, and condemnation of the violent attack of radical religious groups against the @AzerbaijaninUK. 🇦🇿 🇹🇷 https://t.co/sBBIKjFv5x
Today I received the copy of the credentials of newly appointed Ambassador of brotherly #Turkmenistan to #Azerbaijan Gurbanmammet Elyasov. I am confident that the 🇦🇿-🇹🇲 strategic partnership will continue to develop and serve the prosperity of our nations and countries. https://t.co/q6zWSNSjiD
Just spoke with @ToivoKlaar, #EU Special Rep. for the South Caucasus. Discussed latest escalation of tensions as a result of provocations by 🇦🇲. Stressed the importance of full implementation of Trilateral Statements, esp. full withdrawal of #Armenian mil. detachments from 🇦🇿. https://t.co/WwYUpWftfj
Participating at the 1st Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Trade/Economy & Transport of #Azerbaijan, #Türkiye, #Uzbekistan in Tashkent with colleagues @MikayilJabbarov & @RashadNNabiyev. Identifying further ways to reinforce 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿 brotherhood & partnership. https://t.co/7yQQUIXITK
We’re thankful to President of #Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for a cordial & fruitful meeting in the margins of 1st Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Economy & Transport of 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿. Great hospitality, excellent organization & huge potential for cooperation. https://t.co/J9s02pKyXl
“In times of growing challenges to global security, stability & economic development, this new trilateral 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿 platform fits into existing efforts to develop regional cooperation & to address our countries’ shared interests in #peace, #security & #prosperity.” https://t.co/VvA6PAeDmT
Had a phone conversation with 🇺🇸 A/S @KDonfried @StateEUR. We discussed the latest efforts in #Azerbaijan-#Armenia normalization.I stressed the importance of implementation of commitments by Armenia within the 3lateral statements, especially of full withdrawal of Armenian forces. https://t.co/wXiZjp1scx
The news on border police helicopter crash in the Gudauri resort area of #Georgia deeply saddened us. We express our heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and People of friendly Georgia. #Azerbaijan stands by Georgia in this difficult time. 🇦🇿🇬🇪 @iliadarch
Today I received the copy of the credentials of newly appointed Ambassador of #Slovakia to #Azerbaijan Milan Lajcak. We highlighted the importance of further developing bilateral relations between 🇦🇿 and 🇸🇰. I wish him all the best in the accomplishment of his important mission. https://t.co/zajl0X6FaZ
“The power of youth is a precious asset for the entire world. In #Azerbaijan, we care deeply about youth, their empowerment & future. This is one of the key reasons why, as an incumbent Chairmanship of NAM 🇦🇿 materialised the idea to establish the NAM Youth Network” #NAMYS2002 https://t.co/Fx803biNmh
Comprehensive exchange of views took place in a meeting w/ the assistant to Foreign Minister of #Egypt Ihab Talaat Nasr. We discussed perspectives of bilateral 🇦🇿🇪🇬 relations, regional situation, as well as international security issues of mutual interest & concern. https://t.co/htwjASVLqc

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