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Press release 06 April 2016

The representatives of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Serbia, Azerbaijan Cultural Center and Serbian-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce visited Varvarin

On 6th April, 2016 the representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Republic Serbia, as well as of Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Belgrade and Serbian-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce visited Varvarin city with the organizational support of the project “Serbia in the rhythm of Europe” and by the invitation of leadership of the city. At the meeting held in the city’s administration, satisfaction with the rapid development of the cooperation between Azerbaijan and Serbia in recent years was stated.

Mayor of Varvarin Mr. Zoran Milenković briefed the guests about history, economic potential, investment opportunities and cultural heritage of this town, located at the convergence of the West and South Morava where these rivers join to form the Velika Morava. He was especially pleased to announce that schoolchildren of Varvarin will sing an Azerbaijani song in a song contest organized by the project “Serbia in the Rhythm of Europe” and expressed hope that this will contribute to the closer cultural and economic links between the communities and regions of Azerbaijan and Serbia. We thanked the hosts for warm and sincere welcome and informed them about humanitarian and economic projects supported by Azerbaijan in Serbia, Azerbaijan’s rich cultural heritage, long history and contemporary social and economic development, human rights and economic reforms undertaken in the country, as well as historic legacy of tolerance in Azerbaijan.  It was noted that this year is declared the Year of Multiculturalism in Azerbaijan. We also informed the hosts about the events of international and regional importance hosted by Azerbaijan and energy and transportation projects implemented in our country situated at the crossroads of East and West, North and South. In connection with recent violations of the cease-fire agreement of 1994 due to the incessant provocations of the armed forces of Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, our Serbian counterparts were provided with the extensive information about the history, causes and results of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
It was noted that Armenian aggression against our country resulted in the occupation of the originally Azerbaijani land of Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as seven adjacent districts, resulted in expulsion of more than 1 million of Azerbaijanis from their native lands, turning them into refugees and internally displaced people.
They were also informed that in response to the Armenian shelling of residential areas and civilian targets along the line of contact between Armenian and Azerbaijani troops, on 1stApril of 2016 a decision to counter-attack Armenian artillery positions to suppress this deadly fire was made and Azerbaijani Armed Forces liberated several strategic heights  and settlements to protect life and safety of Azerbaijani civilian population. It is not for the first time that the Armenian targeted civilian population, using the proximity of Azerbaijani towns and villages to the line of contact, but this time they have been swiftly and effectively repelled. We explained that the Azerbaijani Army acted in line with its constitutional duty to defend the people of Azerbaijan within the internationally recognised borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and that the international community must intensify efforts to resolve the conflict peacefully in accordance with the principles of international law on sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders.

Igor Karadarević, Executive Director of the project “Serbia in the Rhythm of Europe”, informed the meeting participants about a final concert of the above-mentioned song contest where music of the EU member states and other friendly nations (20 countries in total) will be performed in the town of Ćuprija, whose students had won this contest last year. Mr. Karadarević wished the best to schoolchildren of Varvarin who entered this year’s contest with Polad Bülbüloğlu’s song Şən Azərbaycan (“Merry Azerbaijan”). 

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