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Press release 28 May 2016

Official reception in Belgrade on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Republic Day

On the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Republic Day the official reception was organized in the “Hyatt Regency” hotel in Belgrade, Serbia on May 27, 2016.

Ms. Maja Gojkovic, Chairperson of the Parliament of Serbia and other high ranking state and governmental officials, members of Parliament, representatives of the Serbian society, diplomatic corps in Belgrade, Serbia-Azerbaijan Trade Chamber, Azerbaijani  Culture Center and Serbia-Azerbaijan Friendship Society and Azerbaijanis living, working and studying in Serbia, as well as mass media representatives participated in the event.      

In his speech at the event Mr. Eldar Hasanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Serbia told that by adoption of the “Declaration of Independence” the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first ever republic with democratic parliament in the whole Moslem East was established 98 year ago, on May 28, 1918.  Ambassador of Azerbaijan said that as a result of the years long struggle for liberation by the Azerbaijani people and historical conditions created with the collapse of the Soviet Union the state independence of Azerbaijan with the adoption of the "The Constitutional Act on State Independence” was restored on October 18, 1991.

Ambassador underlined that May 28 is one of the most important days in the statehood history of Azerbaijan and present day Republic of Azerbaijan is the legal successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic of 1918-1920 - the first secular, legal and democratic state in the Muslim East.

It was underlined that Azerbaijan also marks with proud and joy 25th anniversary of restoration of its state independence and Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev enjoys socio-economic development, democratic reforms, implementation of large scale energy and transportation projects, independent foreign policy and became one of the rapidly developing countries in the world. 

 The participants of the event have been also informed about the rich multiculturalism traditions of Azerbaijan.

Speaking about the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorny Karabakh conflict, in particularly occupation of Nagorny Karabakh and 7 other adjacent districts, historical and inalienable parts of Azerbaijan, by Armed Forces of Armenia and more than 1 million Azerbaijanis became refugees and IDPs as a result of the conflict  Ambassador E.Hasanov stressed that four Resolutions of the UN Security Council condemning occupation and demanding full and unconditional withdrawal of occupying forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan are still to be implemented. Nevertheless, as Ambassador noted, the Azerbaijani state believes that the conflict will be resolved on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law- respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan.

Ambassador E.Hasanov informed the participants of the event about the development of the Azerbaijan-Serbia relations. He underlined that mutual visits at various levels serve to further strengthening of relations of friendship and strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Serbia. Ambassador congratulated the Serbian people on holding parliamentary elections on April 24 of 2016 and wished success to the new Parliament and Government of Serbia. 

An exhibition of the photos taken in Azerbaijan by Serbian photographer Emir Mafke Vrajalitsa during his visit to Azerbaijan within the project “Ganja- European Youth Capital2016”were arranged in the lobby area of the event’s venue. 

Books and journals about the history and culture of Azerbaijan and the works of famous Azerbaijani writes translated into Serbian language by the Embassy of Azerbaijan were presented to the guests.

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