

According to Article 3 of the “Law on Passports” of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a unified document that verifies the citizen's identity outside the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is issued to exercise the right to leave and enter the country.

A passport is issued to every citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the procedures established by law and is valid for travel to all countries.

The passport is the property of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and its seizure or confiscation from the citizen is strictly prohibited, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In case of loss of the passport, the citizen must immediately inform the issuing authorities; if the incident occurs abroad, they should notify the diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The diplomatic representations or consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan will provide such citizens with documents that allow them to return to the Republic of Azerbaijan within a short period.

The general passport of the Republic of Azerbaijan is issued by local authorities that provide general passports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as internal affairs authorities) in accordance with the “Law on Passports” of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Regulations on the Implementation of the Law on Passports.

According to the procedures established by these Regulations, general passports are issued to citizens temporarily and permanently residing in foreign countries, prepared individually by the internal affairs authority, and issued by the diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan accredited in the country where the citizen resides. In this case, the acceptance of documents required for the issuance of a general passport and their submission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan is carried out by the diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Taking fingerprints of the citizen, as well as taking photographs that comply with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), is carried out by the authority issuing the passport. Fingerprints are not taken from citizens under the age of 15.

Validity Period

The general passport is issued for a period of one year for children under the age of 1, for three years for children aged 1 to 3, for five years for children aged 3 to 18, and for ten years for persons over the age of 18.

Attention! Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan holding a general passport must apply to the relevant foreign country's diplomatic representation or consulate located in the Republic of Azerbaijan (or accredited) to obtain a visa for travel to foreign countries (except for countries that have agreements for visa-free travel).

Documents Required for Issuance of General Passport

To obtain a general passport, the citizen must provide the following documents:

  • Application form for the issuance of a general passport

  • Citizen's identity card (or for citizens under 15 years old, a birth certificate or personal identification card);

  • Document confirming the payment of state duty;

  • In cases where the passport is issued within two business days due to urgent medical treatment of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or the serious illness or death of a close relative residing abroad - the documents specified in paragraph 3.3 of this Regulation;

  • When the passport is issued to a citizen under the age of 15:

    • Medical certificate of blood type (this document is not required if the child's personal identification card is presented);
    • Document confirming the rights of the adoptive parent, guardian, or custodian of children deprived of parental care.

When issuing a general passport to a citizen under the age of 15, the application form is signed only by the parents, while for children deprived of parental care, it is signed by other legal representatives.

The application form for a citizen aged 15 to 18 may be submitted by themselves or their legal representative. In both cases, the application form must include the signature of the citizen aged 15 to 18.

Responsibilities and Restrictions Established by Legislation

Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan can submit an administrative complaint or lawsuit in case of delays in processing the application/request for the issuance of a passport or refusal to process the application/request.

According to Article 332 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a fine ranging from 85 to 90 manats may be imposed for unjustified refusal to issue a passport to a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, for requiring additional documents not provided for by law, or for delaying, illegal seizure, or detention of the passport.

The passport is the property of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The seizure or confiscation of the passport from the citizen is strictly prohibited, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

If the general passport of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan becomes invalid, or its validity period expires, or if the citizen holding such a passport passes away, the general passport must be surrendered to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

If a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan loses their general passport while abroad, or if their passport is stolen, becomes invalid, or its validity period expires, the citizen must immediately inform the relevant diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in that foreign country (or the nearest country). At the same time, the individual must surrender the invalidated or expired general passport to the relevant diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In these cases, depending on the individual's choice, the diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan may take the following actions in the individual's name:

  • Either measures may be taken to issue a new general passport to the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

  • Or a return certificate may be issued to enable the individual to urgently return to our country.

According to Article 331 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, citizens can be held liable for the loss or intentional damage of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan's passport, and diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan may impose an administrative fine of an appropriate amount.

Administrative Fine for Loss or Intentional Damage of General Passport

According to Article 331 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, citizens are fined 30 AZN for the loss or intentional damage of a general passport.

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